Ghost Story: Suicide Haunting
We all know how awful children can be to each other before they develop a filter. Especially now, as bratty kids who never face...
Anger and Fear
The two most powerful forces of oppression to any human person are fear and anger. Sometimes both instincts can be justified. They feed...
Um, Where the Hell Are We?
New Jersey is basically a large suburb linking New York City and Philadelphia. When a metropolitan area gets as densely populated as...
Editorial: In Today's World
In today’s world, there is hypocrisy all around us. The fact that citizens remain divided over what is the equivalent of two political...
Jersey Devil Origins: Fallen Angel
A relatively modern explanation of the Jersey Devil is that he was a fallen angel. His decision to come to earth in pursuit of human...
The 4th of July
The best holiday of them all. Anyone who is a student of history cannot deny the influence of the true enforcers. Enforcers of what? ...
Locals Know.
To grow up or come of age in New Jersey is no cakewalk. In fact, people are downright killers when it comes to talking sh*t and being...
They Never Listen to the Kids
If you have ever seen a classic ghost horror movie like “Child’s Play” or “The Poltergeist” you have felt the frustration of watching the...
The Blob
The Blob story is shocking in its tragedy. It supposedly takes place close to the University of Delaware. Solid school, solid parties,...
Good vs. Evil
As the mainstream moral consciousness evolves, the distinctions between peoples’ conception of evil change. Moral relativism dilutes the...