Marie Clapper - Ghost Story?
The most simple explanation of the reoccurring sightings of the Jersey Devil’s first kidnapping victim Marie Clapper, is that her ghost...
Belmar, New Jersey
Very few places on earth, can match the feeling one gets, simply from being in a town like Belmar, New Jersey on a nice day. As far as...
The Jersey Devil and Water
The Jersey Devil has a connection to fresh water. While its normal habitat is the Pine-Barrens of south Jersey, the creature is...
The Barn
The Barn is a very cool place. It has been host to many cool restorations and renovations. It has become considerably less-spooky over...
The Ghost on the Boardwalk
Jersey people tend to eat-up gossip like Swedish Fish. They will also embellish parts of a story where they do not have all the facts. ...
The Jersey Devil - Witness
The Jersey Devil’s origin has always been difficult to verify because of the amount of theories and explanations given by historians and...
The Belmar House
Many of characters and themes involved in "Buzzkill New Jersey" have roots in real events and people who grew up in Monmouth County, New...
Jersey Devil Sighting
Despite its elusiveness, the Jersey Devil is said to have been seen by quite a large amount of people. Very seldom does the witness have...
The Jersey Devil and the Beach
The Jersey Devil’s connection to the beach is similar to most New Jersey natives. The beach is awesome, and it’s right there. The Jersey...
Jersey Devil Origins
Always, there will be skeptics, as skepticism is the basis of science. Certain truths reveal themselves very clearly. Others, you may...