Within the Buzzkill Universe, there exists a strangeness. Certain things happen that cannot be explained. One of the more...
Jack Cuomo
“Jack Cuomo” is an alias of Joe Vrola, who is the writer of “Buzzkill New Jersey.” The name comes from a combination of his sister,...
Forward Thinking
According to Jack’s friends, he is a pretty big flake, and will say exactly what pops into his head, regardless of who else is in the...
Jack / S.E. Clairvoyant Connection
Jack Cuomo, our party's host, is not without flaws, but his ability to predict the future is one of those things people might not know...
Unsavory Associations
Growing up in the state of New Jersey is a gift, for those who make it out alive. For some, the sheer force of that many people, that...
The Buzzkill Monmouth County Connection
There seems to be a bit of confusion as to exactly how the Buzzkill Universe is related to the real world. Well to start, the crossover...
The DeMeo Sisters
There are four sisters in the DeMeo family. Caroline, the eldest sister, is a musician, and is mostly off doing her own thing. Diana is...
Dennis and Jen
Dennis and Jen have been friends since grade school. Dennis and Jerry grew-up in a neighborhood a few miles away from the DeMeo sisters....
Buzzkill Trivia - Missing
Kristina Delisa was one of the girls abducted in the days before Jack’s party. Delisa and Jack Cuomo have reportedly never met, but are...
BKNJ Characters - Mike and Tyler
All of the characters in “Buzzkill New Jersey”, are based-off of one or more real people. The majority of these individuals are from...